Friday, October 3, 2008

Hey San Antonio, are you getting enough of the essentials in your daily diet? - Part 1: Protein

Listen up San Antonio, as a fat loss expert I'm telling you to be wary of any "professional" or diet that tells you to strictly limit the protein you eat ... or the fat ... or the carbohydrates. You need ALL of these components in your daily regimen. And you need the right kind. Today, let's talk about protein.

Every meal should be based on a healthy source of protein. Protein helps to build, repair, and replace the cells of your body. It is vital for a strong immune system, and it boosts your metabolism and helps preserve muscle when you are dropping pounds.

If you eat meat and dairy, choose products (including eggs, yogurt, cheese, and milk) from animals raised on their natural diet: grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, wild game, and free-range poultry. You should also eat wild, not farm-raised, fish that is known to be free of mercury (such as sardines and wild Alaskan salmon). Nuts and beans are also excellent sources of protein. And if you use a protein powder, choose one without artificial sweeteners. My favorite is Nutribiotic Rice Protein, which you can find in most health food stores.

I encourage you to make it one of your health resolutions for 2009 to build all of your meals around a protein source, and to choose proteins that are as close as possible to what God created.

Steve Payne is San Antonio's premier fat loss expert. If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or you can e-mail Steve here for more information on his many GUARANTEED success programs. And please visit today.