Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hey San Antonio, are you getting enough of the essentials in your daily diet? - Part 2: Carbohydrate

Pity the poor carbohydrate. The "whipping boy" of the food world. As a San Antonio fat loss strategy, knowing more about this "red-headed step child" will help you make the kinds of body transformations you want.

Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap over the past several years. And while carbohydrates in and of themselves aren't necessarilly bad, we must endeavor to select the right ones. The real key is to avoid carbs taht elevate your blood sugar and insulin levels quickly.

"How do we do that, Uncle Steve?"

It isn't that hard really. Just select your carbohydrates like God made their natural form. Fruits, nuts, berries and veggies are that form. It also means not eating (or cutting WAY back on) sugar, flour, baked goods, white pasta, soft drinks, fruit juices, refined grains, corn, and starches (including white potatoes).

I like a potatoe as much as the next guy, but I make mine yams or sweet potatoes. Their loaded with nutrients and they won't spike your blood sugar as dramatically. And if you've just got to have bread and pasta, select those brands made from whole grains.

Listen closely to this, however: If you're overweight or diabetic, I suggest you keep ALL grain products out of your diet.

And here's a notice to you folks with the sweet tooth - trying to stop eating or drinking all of those sweets, sugary loaded drinks, breads, and pastas is going to be a tough one. Your mind and body will fight you every step of the way...for a little while. These things are, in many experts opinions, as addictive as heroin or other drugs. But stick with it. After a few weeks or a month, I promise that you will have the look and feel of a totally new person.

This is the one sure method to make the pounds fall off. You will also keep those hunger pangs away and not as severe. And I can promise you a return and improvement to your vitality, energy levels, concentration, and your mood.

Let me plead with you, if you haven't done so yet, to adopt these changes in your diet.

I know you will thank me in the long run.

Steve Payne is San Antonio's premier fat loss expert. If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or you can e-mail Steve here for more information on his many GUARANTEED success programs. And please visit today.