Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't you believe it!

Why High Fructose Corn Syrup Deserves Bad Press

You may have seen one of these ads recently on television touting High Fructose Corn Syrup as "natural" or just like sugar.

Don't buy into it. It's a lie.

The sweetness you taste in many foods comes from corn, not sugar cane. Which means you could be eating a lot of HFCS daily. And we're not just talking about soft drinks and bags of bread or cookies.

You'll find the ever present sugary liquid in things like yogurt, sports drinks, and herbal teas.

Why is this a big deal? Because HFCS is linked to a variety of health problems.

Here's an example: Dr. George Bray found a connection between this artificial sweetener and obesity. And though it's true that HFCS is not the only cause of obesity, it's certainly one of the contributors.

Another researcher, Dr. Meira Field, fed lab rats a diet high in HFCS. The rats experienced significant health problems, including anemia, delayed testicular development, and fatal heart conditions. All of the rats died before reaching adulthood, and their livers resembled those of alcoholics. They were cirrhotic and plugged with fat.

Here's a few hints to avoid HFCS:
• Drink water or homemade tea instead of soda.
• As much as possible, avoid pre-packaged products and eat whole, unprocessed foods - in other words, food that grows naturally.
• When considering pre-packaged products, read the label before you buy.

Stay away, far away, from this garbage, unless you want to remain overweight and sickly.
