Sunday, September 21, 2008

San Antonio, listen up: Fat loss is profoundly simple!

As in most facets of life, the most profound truths are inherently very simple. In fact, many of these areas of life are so profoundly simple that they are either ignored or overlooked completely.

There is one area that causes, in my opinion, more frustration, unhappiness, and potential failure if it is misunderstood. What is this phenomenon?

Everything counts.


Not just the things YOU want to ma’am.


Everything adds up.

The great German philosopher, Herman Van Goethe, commented once that the greatest invention in his lifetime was double-entry bookkeeping.

That may sound odd to you, but listen to his reasoning. (He was brilliant, you know)

When asked why a simple accounting method had such a profound impact upon him he said that it mirrored in many ways a person’s life. You see, in double-entry bookkeeping, every transaction is recorded as either a credit or debit.

In life, everything you do is either taking you closer to your goals or further from them. In bookkeeping, the more credits or positive transactions a business has, the more profitable that business is and the longer it will stay afloat and prosperous.

As in life, the more positive actions you take you become more healthy, happy and live a more fruitful life.

I recently ate lunch with a friend who is perpetually overweight by thirty pounds or more. When I ask if there is anything I can assist him with, he assures me that he eats nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and drinks only clean water. He laments again and again that he cannot understand why he seems to always be so heavy.

Later in the week I spotted him in a restaurant, unbeknownst to him, and watched him from afar. After his second trip to the desert counter for more cheesecake, and with roughly half of it left on his plate I approached him and mentioned the pastry. He looked me right in the eye, then pointed a stubby finger at the cake and said, “I don’t count that.”

We live in a world where hundreds of millions of people with too much fat on their bodies hope and pray and wish that some things don’t count. But that is a fantasy.

Everything counts, and what you do (or don’t do) is either taking you closer to your fat loss goals or further from them.

It’s up to you.


Steve Payne is San Antonio's premier fat loss expert. If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or you can e-mail Steve here for more information on his many GUARANTEED success programs.