Thursday, September 25, 2008

Healthy Weight Management Habits, San Antonio Fat Loss Success Style

You say you have a goal to drop some body fat, eat healthy, and to look and feel better. The problem is, you just can't seem to stick to those habits that you KNOW will bring about the big changes you so desperately want.

Well, ol' Steve from San Antonio Fat Loss Success is going to pass along some time tested and proven success strategies that you can put to use TODAY!

1. Several times per day make it a priority to brush your teeth. Think about this from a psychological stand-point: How many times do you feel like eating something right after you've brushed your teeth? Never, right? It would be like washing your car and then immediately driving through a mud puddle. If your mouth feels clean and fresh, you're much less likely to undo it by eating something to ruin that feeling.

2. Five to seven small meals per day. You've heard me say this time and time again. And why? (Repeat after me) "Because it regulates my blood sugar levels, controls insulin and lessens the likelihood of snacking or overeating." Good.

3. Never start the day without a good breakfast. Your mother was right...breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. It's like the foundation on a building, everything builds from there. It jump starts your metabolism, which is primary to your bodies ability to drop the fat. It also keeps your defenses up against the dreaded "high-calorie snack beast" before lunchtime.

4. Be observant, responsible and honestly record EVERYTHING you eat. In doing so there will be not doubt as to why you are either gaining or losing pounds or inches. To further increase the likelihood of adherence to this principle, get an accountability partner, like a trusted friend or family member, to check your work in your log weekly.

5. Measure your portions early. Place the proper amount of food you are to eat on your plate BEFORE YOU SIT DOWN and then place the rest in the fridge. This is an awesome tool to resist the urge for seconds.

6. Follow the 10 minute principle. Let's say you've just finished a delightfully wonderful meal, one for the record books. And in the back of your mind that little voice says, "How about a second helping...not much. Just a little bit!" Take control of that voice and wait just 10 minutes. Recognize this as a craving, a want...and not a need. Most of the time, 10 minutes of time in fact, this craving will go away.

And always remember...the folks who are the healthiest and maintain their optimal weight do not sacrifice and deny themselves. They enjoy plenty of satisfying meals and tasty morsels in their proper perspective and portions.

And you can too.

Steve Payne is San Antonio's premier fat loss expert. If you're really serious about fat loss, then please consider San Antonio's finest fat loss "boot camp", the Firestorm Fitness Systems Fat Burning Fit Camps, The 28 Day Miracle Fat Loss Program or you can e-mail Steve here for more information on his many GUARANTEED success programs. And please visit today.